The interview you have been waiting for! Lately the world of girls are really starting to notice photographer, David Jay. The best news ladies- he's single. Earnest, enthusiastic and entirely genuine, David is not only good looking but a very talented photographer.
Do you love this photo of him as a baby!
Name- David Jay
What I do- I'm just a traveling salesman
Where I live- Santa Barbara, CA
3 adjectives to describe me- Curious, Shy, Overrated
When I have time to myself you'll find me- Reading books or hanging out on OSP! :)
Music I'm listening to- BarlowGirl
I'm turned off by- Selfishness....probably because I see it a lot in myself.
Sexy is- There is a saying, "A man wants to be a woman's first love and a woman wants to be a man's last romance."
3 qualities I like in a woman- Faith, Class & Conviction
The perfect date is- Cuddling up on the cliffs of Santa Barbara (wine and cheese is nice too)
Something that is overrated- Me...and television...I don't even have a TV and I don't miss it.
The jeans I prefer- Seven for comfort and Diesel for looks. :)
Where I like to shop- I'm a big fan of furniture and books so I'm in Z-Gallery and Borders almost everyday.
David's favorite image of recent
The piece of equipment I swear by- My laptop - showing slide shows on my laptop has done more for my business than any other piece of equipment.
The perfect shot is- The shot of the engaged bridesmaid that appears in the slide show and gets me the next wedding.
Something I have learned-
That the purpose of my business is to create freedom for my life and I need to focus my energy on growing my business instead of trying to control it.
Something I still am working at- Creating meaning. I've been blessed with a couple of wonderfully successful businesses that are creating a lot of money but I think it's all worthless unless I can use it to bless other people and create more meaning in their lives and mine.
A vendor you should know about- Pictage - Getting involved with Pictage was my first step towards freedom. Outsourcing nearly all the production in my business to them was the best decision ever.
The key to great customer service is- speed and patience...and remembering that it was difficult for us the first time as well.
What I spend the most time doing- Hanging out with my friends on OpenSourcePhoto
Who inspires me- My parents. When I was sixteen my dad sat me down and said to me, "David, if you always make your business about helping other people you'll always have plenty of work." He did that with his business and now he's doing it with his life.
My goal in 5 years is to- Be happily married and helping as many people as possible.
What I know that I didn't know then- How important community is and sharing knowledge. Tim Sanders says "Your Network is Your Net worth" - So true and I was I had started growing my network 20 years ago...even though I was just seven then.
3 things you'll find in my refrigerator- it's empty (seriously)
If not a photographer I would have been a- Ninja
My best feature- Probably the fact that I don't like to talk a lot and because I'm not talking people assume I'm listening - and they like that. :)
Check David Jay's latest work at
ROCK STAR launches on Monday October 9th! We will post visuals on our BLOG daily.
ONLY $600.00 until October 11th at midnight.
Interface 27 will feature a video section that allows 400 x 300 pixel videos to be uploaded either directly through the site or via FTP. Unlimited videos. The video section will be an add-on for $150.00.
I can't wait to show you the new feature on this interface. Thanks to Brianna Graham for allowing us to feature her photographs on interface 27.
This site rocks! Wait until you see her in full effect on Monday!
More tomorrow -
great interview and top notch guy :)
Posted by: Deyl | October 06, 2006 at 09:32 AM
well as "overrated" as he says he is...he is achieving his goal of helping enrich other peoples lives more than he thanks dj!! on behalf of all of us :)
Posted by: amber | October 06, 2006 at 10:34 AM your infamous words...YOU ROCK! :)
Posted by: jasmine | October 06, 2006 at 11:10 AM
If anyone wants in on the "who's it gonna be?" (Mrs. David Jay) pool...just shoot me an e-mail. I'll give you the odds and the over/under on your pick(s). ;)
Posted by: Dan Watkins | October 06, 2006 at 12:31 PM
DJ, you've come along way from the dark room at Westmont...I am very proud of you.
Mrs. K
Posted by: Sharon Kearin | October 06, 2006 at 01:19 PM
overrated? yeah, whatever! He's great & deserves every bit of this. But thats what makes DJ so awsome. He rocks the socks off every wedding he does, but he's still as humble as apple pie. Congratulations DJ!
Posted by: JMesser | October 06, 2006 at 01:39 PM
You guys are too awesome...and am I allowed in on the pool or would that be like Pete Rose betting on baseball. :D
Posted by: DJ | October 06, 2006 at 02:46 PM
Ninja... that cracks me up!
Posted by: matt | October 06, 2006 at 03:28 PM
Awesome interview David Jay:) LOL... You're hilarious:)
Posted by: Amy Nave | October 07, 2006 at 01:00 AM